University of Nebraska Medical Center

Special Thanks


For their ongoing commitment and strategic vision empowering the UNMC community to transform into a mature digital campus. The success of the multiyear initiative was not possible without the contributions and leadership of:  

Jeffrey P. Gold, MD 

Chancellor, University of Nebraska  
Medical Center 

H. Dele Davies, MD, MS, MHCM 

Senior Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs 

Kathleen (Katie) Brandert, MPH, CHES 

Workforce Development and Leadership Program Manager, College of Public Health 

Mike Dierks, MS 

Former Workstation Specialist, Information Technology 

Faye Haggar, EdS 

Director of Education Development & Academic Technology, College of Medicine, Anesthesiology

Brandon Grimm, PhD, MPH 

Senior Associate Dean, College of Public Health 

Brian Lancaster, BA 

Former Vice President, Information Technology 

Marty Magee, MSA, MSL 

Former Instructional Design Librarian, McGoogan Library   

Kendra K. Schmid, PhD, MA 

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies 

Michael Kozak, MEd 

Instructional Designer, Information Technology, Academic Technology

Nicole Becker 

Director of Development Operations, Information Technology 

Gary Lovely 

Director of Information Technology Infrastructure / Manager of Technical Systems, Information Technology 

Jeff Bergholz 

Executive Director of Operations, Information Technology 


Digital Campus Workgroup(s) have been charged to: 

  • Identify the major issues that should be addressed within the workgroup area
  • Selection of top three issues
  • Bring potential ideas without money or resources considerations as a barrier
  • Compose recommendations to resolve these issue(s)
  • Identify metrics of success for identified issue(s)
  • Identify the communication and dissemination strategies be for your recommendations that occur to all the different constituents (students, faculty, staff)

STUDENT EXPERIENCE – the learning environment and all student touchpoints 


Yun Saksena, BDSc, MMSc, DMD 

Associate Dean for Education, College of Dentistry 


Melissa Diers, MEd 

Director, Information Technology, Academic Technology 


Christine Arcari, PhD, MPH 

Former Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs, College of Public Health 

Betsy Becker, PT, DPT, PhD, CLT-LANA 

Chair, Department of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Allied Health Professions

Anthony Donovan, PharmD 

Former Student Senate Representative 

Faye Haggar, EdS 

Director, Education Development & Academic Technology, College of Medicine, Anesthesiology 

Sarah Hotovy, MD 

Former Student Senate Representative 

John-Martin Lowe, PhD 

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Health Security Training and Education 

Peggy Moore, MSEd 

Director, Office of Interactive E-Learning, Academic Affairs 

Devin Nickol, MD 

Associate Dean, Interprofessional Education, Academic Affairs

Frank Pietrantoni, MS 

Director, Office of Health Professions Education, Nebraska Medicine 

Jan Tompkins, MPH, MT(ASCP) 

Former Assistant Dean, Diversity and Inclusion, College of Allied Health Professions 

Tammy L. Webster, PhD, MPA, RT(R)(M), FAEIRS 

Assistant Dean, College of Allied Health Professions 

DIGITAL SKILLS – faculty, staff & students succeed if technology seamlessly ingrates into their work 


Gerald Moore, MD 

Former Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, College of Medicine 


Melissa Diers, MEd 

Director, Information Technology, Academic Technology 


Ann Alexander, MEd 

Education Technology Director, College of Dentistry 

Megan Blusys 

Senior Communications & Media Manager, Academic Affairs 

Liane Connelly, PhD, RN,NEA-BC 

Assistant Dean, College of Nursing – Northern Division

Mike Dierks, MS 

Former Workstation Specialist, Information Technology  

Emily Glenn, MSLS 

Dean, Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library  

Suhasini Kotcherlakota, PhD 

Assistant Professor, College of Nursing 

Linda Love, EdD 

Director of Faculty Development, Academic Affairs 

Analisa McMillan, PhD, MSEd 

Director, Educational Design and Development, College of Public Health Associate Director, Interprofessional Academy of Educators (IAE), Director, Distance Education 

Lisa J. Moravec, RDH, MS 

Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor, College of Dentistry

Kari A. Simonsen, MD 

Chair of Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine 

Lynnette Leeseberg Stamler, PhD, DLitt, RN, FAAN 

Former Associate Dean, Academic Programs, College of Nursing 

Tammy Winterboer, PharmD 

Vice President, Quality, Effectiveness & Experience, Nebraska Medicine 

Aileen Warren, MSW 

Former Associate Vice Chancellor, UNMC Human Resources 

Rowen Zetterman, MD 

Former Associate Vice Chancellor, Strategic Planning 

TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE – all connections and programs that will make this work 


Teresa Cochran PT, DPT, MA, GCS, FNAP 

Assistant Dean, College of Allied Health Professions 

Greg Karst, PhD 

Former Executive Associate Dean, College of Allied Health Professions 


Melissa Diers, MEd 

Director, Information Technology, Academic Technology


Michael Ash, MD 

Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Nebraska Medicine, & Vice Chancellor, Information Technology 

Nancy E. Krusen, PhD, OTR/L 

Program Director & Associate Professor, College of Allied Health Professions 

Emily J. McElroy, MLIS 

Former Dean, Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library 

Benjamin Stobbe, RN, MBA 

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Clinical Simulation, iEXCEL 

Analysis & Decision Support – the potential gaps in systems & operation to ensure data can contribute to planning and decision-making 


Daniel Moser, PhD 

Former Director, Information Technology, Academic Technology 

T. Hank Robinson, PhD 

Former Director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness, University of Nebraska at Omaha  


Melissa Diers, MEd 

Director, Information Technology, Academic Technology


Phil Covington, EdD 

Associate Vice Chancellor for the Division of Student Success   

Jeanne Ferbrache 

Former Director of Institutional Research, Academic Affairs 

Heidi Keeler, PhD, MSN/MBA 

Director, Office of Community Engagement & Continuing Nursing Education, College of Nursing

Jennifer Larsen, MD, FACP 

Former Vice-Chancellor for Research 

Kendra K. Schmid, PhD, MA 

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs & Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies 

Thomas J. Walker, MAcc 

Former Business Analyst, Office of Institutional Effectiveness, University of Nebraska at Omaha 

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