University of Nebraska Medical Center

Menagerie of Video Projects

Thursday, January 12th | 11:00-11:45am CT | Truhlsen Event Center, UNMC
Session Type: Digital Poster Session

Project Tools Used:

  1. iMovie and Garage Band to create a 2-Minute Teacher video for a project for the Education Development Institute (UNMC Faculty Development)
  2. iMovie Trailer Template for the introduction to a scholarly presentation at the Education Leadership Conference (ELC) for the Education Section of the American Physical Therapy Association.  This video was created in conjunction with Nikki Sleddens, PT, MPT, CEEAA and Sara Bills, PT, DPT, GCS.
  3. iMovie and Garage Band plus Videoscribe (non-Apple) to create three videos for a research project.  The videos assist with recruitment and provide instructions for completing the survey-based component of the study.  Links to the videos appear on the project website and are embedded within the survey.
  4. Quicktime video recording of the screen of my iPad using Khan-style teaching while recording on the MacBookAir
  5. AirDrop – a must when using multiple Apple devices!

All tools were selected because they were ones I was proficient in using and could be exported into file types that play on any device.

Project Summary:  Through the Apple training and exploration of products there is an array of possibilities for innovation for delivering premier education programs and implementation into scholarly activities.  I have created a menagerie of video projects for use in scholarly presentations, participant recruitment for a research study, and in the classroom to reach learners anytime and anywhere.  These initial projects were chosen because there was a need for videos that were interesting and engaging to view.  Each helps to increase the digital footprint for UNMC, the College of Allied Health Professions and the Division of Physical Therapy Education through dissemination beyond the campus.  Examples include 1) a series of three videos that include speaking to the audience on camera and with voiceover using Videoscribe (non-Apple), a drawing program, for use to recruit research participants and provide instruction during the survey-portion of the study; 2) a video created for faculty development with photos from my personal library, including UNMC campus sculpture art, and brief onscreen content to whimsical background music; 3) a Khan-style video composed of audio and video using an iPad and MacBook Air simultaneously for a classroom educational topic, and 4) a movie trailer used for an introduction of the topics covered in a presentation with Nikki Sleddens, PT, MPT, CEEAA,  Sara Bills, PT, DPT, GCS, and myself at a national physical therapy educators conference.

Research Study Video screen-shot-2017-01-04-at-10-12-43-pm

Click here to view the videos

A series of three videos including Betsy speaking to the audience and voiceover Videoscribe (non-Apple) drawing video were developed to recruit study subjects and provide instruction during the survey-portion of the study.



2 Minute Teacher 

Click here to view:  https://hml.unmc.edu/Player/5120

This was made with photos from my personal library including on-campus sculpture art and includes brief onscreen content to whimsical background music. 


iMovie Trailer to introduce scholarly presentationscreen-shot-2017-01-10-at-8-55-57-am

Click here to view:  https://hml.unmc.edu/Player/5121

This trailer includes an introduction of the topics covered in a presentation aptly titled, Click Here!  E-Learning Modules for Innovative Instruction & Learning by speakers, Sara Bills, Nikki Sleddens and Betsy Becker (PT faculty at UNMC).  The template in iMovie was used to input pictures and videos.



QuickTime – Recording from iPad to MacBook 

This screen shows the setup up (right) and then the finished product (left).




Betsy Becker, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA, Division of Physical Therapy Education
College of Allied Health Professions

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