University of Nebraska Medical Center

Digital Skills


1. Promote digital fluency and require digital literacy with the creation of an Office of Digital Innovation that is staffed with specialists, which will facilitate the implementation of:  

A. Track and dissemination of lessons learned about best and failed practices to ensure knowledge is available from one unit to the next.  

B. Support the continual process of learning by providing resources and time to develop digital fluency to contribute to the daily work and progress in their role at UNMC for all students, faculty, and staff.  

C. Creation of a technology innovation virtual or physical lab that promotes the utilization of emerging education-related technologies.  

D. Incentivize the participation in technology events, authorship, and representation at local, regional, national, or international events.   

E. Creation and administration of digital skills challenges and provision of badges, certificates, and prizes to incentivize completion of those challenges.  

F. Creation, funding, and administration of granting opportunities made available to individuals, departments, and academic units to develop programs in coordination with the Office of Digital Innovation that improve digital literacy.  

G. Implemented by Human Resources, the establishment of digital literacy requirements regarding recruitment of faculty and staff.  

H. Identification and integration of digital literacy competency assessments, in the evaluation, promotion, and tenure guidelines for faculty and staff.  

I. Definition of the required number of continuing education credits regarding digital literacy needed by faculty for promotion and tenure.   

J. Advocate the completion of interactive digital literacy training modules for all onboarding students, faculty, and staff. The modules should be specific to different roles within the institution. The modules would include competency self-assessment to assist students, faculty, and staff to identify the areas of deficiencies.

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